Please complete my booking form and I will be back in touch. You may also send me an email with your information at As a busy student, longer dates are preferred and prioritized.

I understand hesitation to send personal information, but I must ensure my safety. I handle all information with the utmost discretion and care, and will never share any details of our time together with anyone. I delete all screening information after our time together. I accept any of the following forms of verification:

Phone number AND any one of the following:

  • Government ID (Drivers License, Passport)

  • Employment Verification (LinkedIn page, company profile)

  • 2-3 references from the past year

*If you wish to screen via a LinkedIn profile, the profile must be an established profile with 150+ connections and a professional head shot. I also accept company profile pages from reputable establishments.

*References are accepted at my discretion.

Please actively check your spam folder after submitting for my response.